The Benefits of Bone Broth for Dogs and Cats


The Benefits of Bone Broth for Dogs and Cats

With a winter frost settling over the country, serving warm comfort foods is the perfect way to add a touch of coziness to an otherwise chilly season for pets and their people. For humans, there’s nothing quite like coming in from a bracing winter walk then snuggling up with a good book and a cup of tea. For dogs, a healthy bowl of warm, nourishing bone broth can have that same cozy, comforting effect.

For centuries, bone broth has been believed to have powerful healing properties. Most of us eat chicken soup when we’re sick. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, recommended ox tail or beef bone broth as a digestive aid. Even our hunter-gatherer ancestors made bone broth as a way to use the parts of the animal that were too tough to eat otherwise. Today, we recognize that bone broth is not just a healthy addition to our own diet, but also a fantastic addition to the diets of our pets.

Bone Broth can Support Joint Health

Quick biology refresher for those of us who haven’t sat in a classroom for a number of years: Tendons connect muscles to the bones, and ligaments connect bones to one another. Your pet needs both of these connective tissues to be strong and healthy in order to feel their best. The trouble is, these tissues break down over time, and we see our pets slow down. Healthy, easy-to-make bone broth can help provide the proteins needed to allow our pets to support and rebuild these tissues.

When you boil a bone, the marrow breaks down into gelatin. That gelatin contains collagen full of amino acids like proline and glycine, both of which are essential to canine joint health. Glycine, which is produced in limited amounts by the liver, is also a key factor in your pet’s detoxification process. Limited glycine means a limited ability to detoxify. Bolstering the amount of glycine in your pet’s diet can help support the liver.

Bone Broth Helps Ease Arthritis in Senior Pets

Pets are living longer than ever, but arthritis is a concern for senior pets. As our pets age, the protective layer of cartilage between their bones can thin. This thinning leads to increased wear and tear on the joint, which causes inflammation, fluid buildup, and, worst of all, pain. Natural dog food or cat food, like Bone broth for cats and dogs, is a natural source of the glucosamine-chondroitin one-two punch that is proven to help keep cartilage healthy and joint pain at bay. 

The magic lies in the collagen-rich marrow that transforms into gelatin during the bone broth-making process. This becomes a secret weapon against the woes of arthritis, offering a soothing and nourishing solution to ease the aging joints of our senior companions. By incorporating bone broth into their routine, you're not just providing a delectable treat; you're gifting them with a holistic approach to joint care, allowing them to navigate their golden years with grace and comfort.

Bone Broth is a Fantastic Nutritional Support for Sick Pups

From time to time, every pet gets sick. No one likes to see their pet suffering from vomiting or diarrhea. If you are wondering “how to get my dog to drink more water,” bone broth will not only increase fluid consumption but also offer beneficial nutrients at a time when your pet most needs a boost. Packed with amino acid, collagen, and other vital elements, bone broth provides a gentle and easily digestible source of nourishment, offering your unwell companion the strength and support needed to bounce back. It's a simple yet effective way to show your love and care, turning a challenging moment into an opportunity for comfort and recovery.

Bone Broth is great for your Cat or Dog’s Gut Health

In addition to its benefits for joints, beef bone broth plays a pivotal role in promoting optimal gut health for your furry friend. The collagen-rich gelatin derived from simmered meaty bones serves as a natural source of amino acid like proline and glycine, essential for maintaining a healthy digestion. The soothing properties of bone broth can aid in alleviating digestive issues, making it an ideal addition to your dog's diet for a happy and balanced belly.

Bone Broth can help detox your Pet’s Liver

Bone broth is a gentle yet effective ally in supporting your canine companion's liver health. Glycine, a vital amino acid abundant in bone broth, plays a key role in the detoxification process. By incorporating bone broth into your dog's diet, you're providing a natural boost to liver function, enhancing its ability to rid the body of toxins. Let the cleansing power of homemade bone broth contribute to your pet's overall vitality.

Bone Broth is Easy and Inexpensive to Make at Home

It’s the ultimate lazy way to spoil your pet because all it takes is a bit of chopping and some patience. Anyone can make homemade bone broth. It doesn’t require any special skills or tools. You can do it in a slow cooker (my favorite), on the stove, or in a pressure cooker. If you can boil water, you can make healthy, nourishing bone broth for pets.

Bone Broth is Hydrating and Easy on the Stomach

Recognizing the diverse needs of our pets, bone broth stands out as a versatile and easily digestible option, especially for those with sensitive stomachs. Whether your dog is recovering from an illness or simply needs a comforting, nourishing treat, bone broth offers a solution that is gentle on the stomach. Its simplicity makes it an ideal choice to provide beneficial nutrients without causing digestive discomfort. Discover the ease and comfort bone broth brings to your pet's stomach, ensuring every sip is a moment of well-being.

Bone Broth Recipe Ingredients

  • Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Raw Marrow Bones (Darwin’s sells the perfect raw bones for this, and you can even let your pet have a bit of a chew on them before you use them in your broth.)

Optional Add-Ins to Boost Nutrition and Flavor:

  • Carrots, spinach, celery, or other dog-friendly vegetables
  • Parsley, dandelion, turmeric, oregano, or other dog-friendly herbs
  • Kelp
  • Liver, diced into small pieces (great for boosting flavor and enticing picky pets to drink)

How to Make Bone Broth for Dogs and Cats

Layer raw bones on the bottom of your crock or stock pot. Fill a pot with water so bones are completely covered, plus 2 to 3 inches. Add liver pieces for flavor, if desired. Add a generous splash (approximately 3 to 4 tablespoons) of raw apple cider vinegar to the pot. The acidity of the vinegar is the magic ingredient that will help unlock all those good things in the meaty bones and infuse the broth with them.

Cook over medium-high heat for one hour, then turn down to low and simmer for 24 to 36 hours. (If you are cooking on the stovetop, you can place it in the fridge overnight and return it to the heat in the morning.) During the last 30 minutes, add any additional vegetables if desired. This will cook the veggies just enough to release their nutritional value without turning them to mush. During the last 10 minutes, add any herbs or supplements, such as parsley, dandelion, or turmeric.

Remove from heat, and skim any foam off the top. Strain any cooked bones that have not broken down.

Place broth in the fridge to chill completely. A hard crust of fat will develop on the top. Chip this off and discard it in your compost bin or trash can.

Your pot should be filled with a thick, jelly-like substance packed with great nutrition for your dogs.

To store it, ladle it into jars, seal them, and place them in the fridge or freezer. Like all fresh pet food, the dog or cat bone broth will keep in the fridge for several days or the freezer for several months. It’s really handy to make a big batch and freeze it. You can even freeze it in ice cube trays and defrost small servings of this natural cat food or dog food as needed.

To serve bone broth, spoon cold broth over your pet’s raw dog food or raw cat food or heat gently for a warm, nourishing treat.

How to Safely Feed Bone Broth

Feeding bone broth to your cherished pets is not just about providing a delicious treat; it's about ensuring their safety and well-being. Here's a handy guide on how to safely introduce this nourishing soup to both your feline and canine companions:


  • Temperature Check: Ensure the bone broth is at a cat-friendly temperature—neither too hot nor too cold.
  • Pure Broth, No Additives: Opt for a bone broth recipe without onions, garlic, or excessive seasoning, as these can be harmful to cats.
  • Gradual Introduction: Introduce bone broth slowly into their diet, observing for any adverse reactions or sensitivities.
  • Monitor Consumption: While many cats adore the taste of bone broth, monitor their consumption to ensure it complements their overall diet without becoming a primary food source.


  • Breed Considerations: Be mindful of your dog's breed and size when serving bone broth. Adjust portions accordingly.
  • No Seasoning Overload: Stick to bone broth recipes with minimal seasoning. Avoid ingredients like onion and garlic, as they can be harmful to dogs.
  • Treat or Meal Addition: Tailor the serving size based on whether you're offering bone broth as a treat or incorporating it into their regular meals.
  • Quality Ingredients: Choose high-quality, pet-safe bones, and ingredients to create a wholesome broth that aligns with your dog's dietary needs.
  • Consult Your Vet: If you have concerns or questions, consult your veterinarian before introducing bone broth, especially if your pet has pre-existing health conditions.

Remember, the key is to approach the introduction of bone broth with care, ensuring it becomes a delightful and safe addition to your pet's daily menu.


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I started on my path of raw feeding when I got my job at Darwin’s. I will never forget my first day; touring processing procedures, hearing about our sourcing policies, volumes of product formulations, and reading books upon books from the various nutritionists we follow.