Separation Anxiety in Dogs: Tips & Treatments


Separation Anxiety in Dogs: Tips & Treatments

Reviewed by: Dr. Tori


Separation anxiety in dogs is a common issue faced by pet owners. We're here to provide you with some valuable insights and strategies to better understand dog separation anxiety and how to best care for your pet if they have it. 

Canine Separation Anxiety

First things first, Separation anxiety in dogs is a real concern that can impact both our pets and us, their devoted caregivers. This condition can turn your typically well-behaved pup into an anxious ball of nerves when they're left alone.

Impact on Dogs: Imagine your dog's world revolves around you. You're their primary source of companionship, security, and sustenance. When you're suddenly absent, their world feels unstable which triggers anxiety.

Impact on Owners: For dog owners, witnessing our pets in distress can be heart-wrenching. We want nothing more than for our dogs to be content and secure. When they're not, it affects our daily lives as well.

Understanding Separation Anxiety

Now, what exactly is separation anxiety in dogs, and what causes it? Separation anxiety isn't just a catchy phrase; it's a genuine behavioral problem that requires attention.

Causes: Some dogs may be genetically predisposed to separation anxiety, while others develop it due to past traumatic experiences. Life changes, such as moving to a new home or the absence of a family member, can also trigger this condition.

Behavioral Symptoms: Recognizing separation anxiety isn't overly complicated, but it does demand careful observation. Does your dog become excessively vocal when you depart? Do they engage in destructive behavior, like gnawing on furniture or scratching doors? These could be telltale signs of separation anxiety.

Identifying Separation Anxiety

So, you've noticed some unusual behaviors in your dog. Now, let's pinpoint those separation anxiety symptoms accurately.

The Telltale Signs: Be on the lookout for excessive barking, whining, howling, or destructive behavior, such as chewing household items or digging indoors. Your dog might also attempt to escape, have accidents indoors, or excessively pant when left alone.

True Separation Anxiety: Keep in mind that not all these behaviors automatically point to separation anxiety. Dogs can exhibit some of these symptoms for various reasons. True separation anxiety is diagnosed when these behaviors occur exclusively in your absence and not when you're present.

Preventing Separation Anxiety

Have you ever heard the phrase “prevention is the best cure?” This holds true for separation anxiety in dogs too. Whether you're bringing home a new puppy or adopting a rescue dog, here are some tips to help you get started on the right foot.

  • Early Socialization: Expose your puppy or newly adopted dog to different people, environments, and experiences from an early age. Puppy socialization builds their confidence and reduces the likelihood of developing separation anxiety.
  • Crate Training: Introduce your dog to their crate gradually. Make it a comfortable, secure space rather than a punitive measure. This can offer a sense of safety when you're not around.
  • Mental / Physical Stimulation: The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior recommends engaging your pet in play or exercise 30 minutes before you leave the house. It is recommended to disengage yourself from your pet  30 minutes before walking out the door so it is easier to adjust to your absence. 

    Long Lasting Treats: Give your pup to a long-lasting treat like a lick matt or kong covered in frozen raw food or peanut butter before you leave the house. This will distract your pet and rewire their thinking so that your departure is a positive experience. 

Managing Separation Anxiety

Now, let's explore how to effectively manage separation anxiety once it manifests.

Desensitization and Counterconditioning: These techniques may sound complex, but they're essential. Gradually expose your dog to brief absences, starting with a few minutes and working your way up. Associate your departure cues with positive experiences, such as treats or toys.

Positive Reinforcement: Offer praise and rewards when your dog remains calm during your departures and arrivals. This reinforces the idea that your absence is not something to fear.

Professional Help

In some cases, despite your best efforts, your dog's separation anxiety may prove more stubborn than anticipated. That's when it's wise to seek professional assistance. Here are a few resources to consider: 

  • Dog Trainers: Trainers aren’t just helpful to curb bad puppy teething habits or help with socialization. They can also collaborate with you to create a customized plan to address your dog's separation anxiety. Consult a skilled dog trainer who specializes in behavior modification. 
  • Veterinary Behaviorist: In severe cases, a veterinary behaviorist, armed with veterinary science knowledge, can provide the expertise needed to tackle complex issues.
  • Anti-Anxiety Medication: On occasion, medication prescribed by a veterinarian may be necessary to help your dog manage their anxiety effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Before we conclude, let's address some common questions that often arise when dealing with separation anxiety in dogs.

Can all dogs develop separation anxiety? While most dogs can experience some form of anxiety when separated from their owners, not all will develop true separation anxiety. It often depends on factors such as genetics, early life experiences, and individual temperament.

How long does it take to treat separation anxiety in dogs? There's no one-size-fits-all answer. Mild cases might improve within a few weeks with consistent training, while severe cases could take several months or longer.

Can hiring a dog walker or dog sitter help with separation anxiety? Yes, absolutely! A dog walker or sitter can provide companionship and mental stimulation during your absence, alleviating your dog's anxiety.

The Path to Calmness

In conclusion, helping your dog overcome separation anxiety is a journey that demands patience, understanding, and effective strategies. Remember that your dog relies on you for more than just basic needs. With the tools and knowledge at your disposal, you can guide your pet from anxiety to tranquility.

Before caring for your dog’s behavioral issues, make sure you’re taking care of their basic needs. Feeding your dog high-quality natural dog food will help your furry friend be energized and well-nourished in your absence. Darwin’s Natural Pet Products natural pet food is curated by experts and consciously sourced so that you get only the best for your dog. Together, we'll ensure that your dog enjoys a happier, anxiety-free life.


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