Benefits of Raw Pet Food


Benefits of Raw Pet Food

How would you feel if, day in and day out, you ate nothing but processed nuggets?
Now, think about your pet’s diet.

Dry and canned pet foods may sound healthy but are actually designed for the pet owner’s convenience and maximum shelf life instead of nutrition for their pet. Many pet owners are concerned that grain-based commercial pet food may be harmful to a dog's health, leading them to consider raw pet food as a healthier alternative.

Whether you feed your pet from a bag or can, these heavily processed foods share similar shortcomings:

  • Cooking and high-pressure processing destroy most of the vital enzymes and vitamins in the ingredients.
  • Only a small percentage of the lost nutrients are replaced by synthetic additives but even these are not easily absorbed by your pet.
  • Cheap ingredients, including grains and fillers, add calories but are actually difficult for pets to digest.
  • Protein levels can look good on the label but can also come from difficult-to-digest sources.
  • Heavily-processed pet foods contain preservatives for long-term storage in warehouses and retail stores. Preservatives not only deplete micronutrients but have been connected with many common allergies – such as yeast on the skin, paws, and ears.

Start Feeding Your Pet “Real Food”

No preservatives. No high-pressure processing.
No synthetic additives. No hormones. No antibiotics.
No grains, no fillers.

We know that your pet’s digestive system is designed for whole foods with nutrients in their natural form. Darwin’s raw meals are created to complement your pet’s nutritional needs. Compared to other types of dog food, such as freshly prepared or conventional commercial options, raw food diets can differ significantly in cost, nutritional value, and health impacts.

What is a Raw Food Diet?

A raw food diet, often referred to as a biologically appropriate raw food (BARF) diet, is designed to mirror the natural diet of wild animals. This diet consists of uncooked, unprocessed ingredients such as raw meat, organs, bones, fruits, and vegetables. The idea behind a raw food diet is to provide optimal nutrition by offering foods in their most natural state, just as nature intended. Whether you choose to prepare these meals at home or opt for commercially prepared options, raw food diets can be customized to meet the specific nutritional needs of your pet, ensuring they receive complete and balanced nutrition.

See the Difference Raw Pet Food Can Make

Many customers tell us they see dramatic changes in their pets after switching to Darwin’s:

  • More energy and increased vitality
  • Relief from common skin problems, especially those caused by food intolerances
  • A shiny and healthy coat
  • Healthier skin after switching to a raw diet
  • A sharp decrease in common diseases and conditions like arthritis and diabetes
  • Improved digestion, fresher breath, and smaller and almost odorless poops
  • Extended life and improved quality of life
  • Help with food allergies by avoiding common allergens like chicken and beef

See the Difference Raw Food Makes

Good Nutrition is Important for Pets Too

Darwin’s uses only high quality meats and vegetables in our fresh dog food and fresh cat food; we never use fillers. The protein in our meals comes from real meat, not from grains, soy, or “meat by-products”. Muscle meat plays a crucial role in providing high-quality protein and essential nutrients. Our meals are a single meat type each; 100% meat for cats and 75% meat with 25% vegetables for dogs. This single meat source formula is designed to allow you to easily adjust meals if your pet is allergic to a particular meat. Our pet food is minimally processed to maintain the most nutrients possible and immediately frozen to preserve freshness. For convenience, you can explore pet food delivery options to have meals brought directly to your home.

Learn about our High Quality Ingredients

Transitioning to a Raw Diet

Transitioning your pet to a raw diet can be a rewarding process, but it requires patience and careful planning. Here are some tips to help you make the switch smoothly:

  1. Start Slow: Begin by introducing small amounts of raw food into your pet's existing diet. Gradually increase the proportion of raw food over time to allow their digestive system to adjust.
  2. Choose Quality: Opt for high-quality, commercially prepared raw food or work with a veterinarian or animal nutritionist to create a customized raw diet for your pet.
  3. Monitor Health: Monitor your pet's health closely and make adjustments as needed to ensure it is receiving all the necessary nutrients.
  4. Be Patient: Don't rush the transition process. It may take some time for your pet to fully adapt to the new diet, but the health benefits are well worth the effort.

By following these steps, you can help your pet enjoy the many advantages of a raw diet.

The Ancestral Side of Raw Food Diet and Why It’s Important

The concept of the ancestral diet for dogs and cats stems from the fact that dogs and cats have evolved successfully through hunting and scavenging – consuming foods that were high in protein and low in carbohydrates and not at all like the kibble so many are fed today. Increasingly, pet owners are turning to raw diets, believing they provide health benefits such as improved coat quality, higher energy levels, and better dental health. Along with a proper diet, incorporating exercise can further enhance your pet's overall well-being and energy.

Recent nutritional science increasingly supports an ancestral diet—high protein, balanced fats, and at least some fresh foods—as the healthiest approach to feeding most dogs. There is no way of knowing for sure exactly what constituted the diet of the ancestors of the modern, domesticated dog and cat, but we can estimate that it consisted of about 85 to 90% meat (primarily from whole prey) along with small amounts of fish, eggs, scavenged grasses, berries, nuts, and other vegetation.  

This low carb, high protein diet has almost 50% of the calories coming from protein, 44% from fat, and only 6% from carbohydrates. This protein level exceeds all but a few dry on the market. Darwin’s raw food profile closely mirrors the foods our pets’ ancestors found in nature, making it the best way to feed your pet.

Read more about the Ancestral Diet


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