Healthy Human Foods For Dogs


Healthy Human Foods For Dogs

Hey there, fur moms and dads! We all know that our pups are more than just pets; they are cherished members of the family. And just like our human loved ones, we want to give them the very best, especially when it comes to their diet. Welcome to our guide on healthy human food for dogs, where we'll explore the paw-some benefits of incorporating nutritious treats into your pup's mealtime routine.

Before we dig in, let's address the big elephant in the room. There's always been a lot of buzz about whether it's safe to share our human food with our four-legged friends. Well, fear not, because we're here to debunk the myths and reveal the truth about what's safe and healthy for our canine companions.

Benefits of Healthy Foods for Dogs

Just like how we feel on top of the world after a hearty, nourishing meal, our dogs also benefit from wholesome food. Incorporating healthy human foods into their diet can lead to a wagging tail, a shiny coat, and boundless energy. Plus, it's a great way to show them some extra love and care.

When we talk about healthy human foods for dogs, we're talking about a great source of nutrients. Vitamins, minerals, protein, and healthy fats are like a little occasional treat that contribute to your dogs health and overall well-being. Not only do these nutrients support their immune system and act like a digestive enzyme, but they also keep their bones and muscles strong as a bull!

List of Healthy Human Foods for Dogs

Ready to dive into the delicious world of healthy human foods for dogs? Here's a bark-tastic list of goodies that are safe to add to your dogs diet:

1. Lean Meats - Chicken, turkey, and lean beef are a healthy treat for dogs. Just make sure they're cooked thoroughly, without any spices or seasoning. No need for fancy schmancy marinades here!

As far as the bones go, it’s better to skip the potential lacerations they may cause when fed to your dogs. You could, however, use it to whip up some bone broth with healthy fat that can also be fed to your fur babies.

2. Fish - Fish like salmon and tuna are a goldmine of Omega 3 fatty acids, promoting a glossy coat and keeping those joints healthy. 

According to the American Kennel Club, fish and fish oil are also common alternative ingredients used in dog food for dogs with chicken allergies. Bone appétit!

3. Fruits - An apple a day keeps the vet away! Fruits like apples, blueberries, and watermelon are packed with vitamins and antioxidants. A paw-some snack and superfood for your pup!

A good summer tip: cut up some of these fruits and place in the fridge or freezer. When the days get hot, your pet will have a healthy snack that can also help them cool down.

4. Veggies - Crunchy carrots and green beans are low-calorie delights that also help keep your dog's pearly whites clean and strong. Say goodbye to doggy breath! Sweet potato is another healthy superfood for your pup!

Just make sure you properly rinse the vegetable before serving to your best buds, so that any potential residue from pesticides on the plant is completely eliminated.

5. Eggs - A cracking good source of protein and amino acids, eggs are a wholesome addition to your pup's breakfast. Scrambled or boiled, your choice!

If you’re feeling extra generous towards your buddy, you can add the previously mentioned foods to whip them up an omelet!

Remember, portion control is key! Treats are yummy, but moderation and treats in small quantities is the name of the game to keep your dogs diet in check.

Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Feeling adventurous in the kitchen? Whip up some tail-wagging goodness with these easy-peasy homemade dog food recipes:

1. Puppy Power Omelet:

- 2 eggs (scrambled)

- 1/4 cup cooked and chopped chicken

- 1/4 cup steamed broccoli (chopped)

- Mix it all up and cook in a non-stick pan until eggs are fully cooked. Voilà, a puppy-approved omelet!

2. Canine's Casserole:

- 1 cup cooked quinoa or brown rice

- 1/2 cup cooked ground turkey or beef

- 1/4 cup sweet potatoes (mashed)

- 1/4 cup peas (cooked)

- Mix everything together, and you've got a doggy delight!

But hold your barks! Before you start a gourmet revolution in your kitchen, make sure to consult your vet to ensure these recipes are paw-fect for your pup's dietary needs.

Foods to Avoid

While it's tempting to share our human delights with our dogs, some foods are a big no-no for our furry friends. Here's a list of food to avoid like the plague:

1. Chocolate - This sweet treat can be deadly for dogs, because it contains a chemical called theobromine. This is similar to caffeine which fur babies cannot digest.

2. Grapes and Raisins - These tiny fruits might be small, but they pack a toxic punch for your pup's kidneys.

3. Onions and Garlic - As much as we love the flavor, they can wreak havoc on a dog's tummy and red blood cells and cause them to have anemia.

4. Avocado - Guacamole might be a hit at parties, but it's not a party in your pup's tummy. Persin is present in avocado fruit, pits, leaves, and the actual plant, so avoid it like the plague!

5. Xylitol (Found in Sugar-Free Gum) - This sneaky sweetener can lead to low blood sugar and even liver failure in dogs.

6. Coffee - No one gives their pets coffee on purpose, but we can’t help it if beans or grounds fall on the floor and they ingest it. Make sure to avoid this as it can lead to caffeine poisoning.

7. Alcohol - While some movies depict characters giving their dogs beer or tequila for comedic effect, don’t! Just like us, alcohol can have a disastrous effect on our fur babies. It can cause weakness, vomiting, and even coma in dogs.

8. Asparagus - Asparagus isn’t necessarily unsafe for dogs, but there’s hardly any benefit to feeding it to them. The vegetable is too tough to have raw, and loses much of its nutritional value by the time it is cooked enough to be eaten, making it not worth it.

9. Macadamia Nuts - These nuts might be a crunchy delight for us, but for dogs, they can spell trouble. Macadamia nuts can cause weakness, tremors, and even hyperthermia. Keep 'em out of reach!

If your pup accidentally ingests any of these foods, don't wait for a sign from above! Call your vet right away for guidance.

Common Concerns

We get it, fur moms! You might have some doubts and questions swirling in your mind like a tornado. Here are some common concerns and answers to put your mind at ease:

1. Can my dog eat table scraps?

A small amount can go a long way! While some table scraps can be safe for dogs, make sure they're not high in fat, spices, or seasoning. 

If you really want them to eat what you eat, cook a separate batch for them as you prepare your own food. So as you barbeque that chicken with all your favorite seasonings and sauces, you can also cook some pieces that don’t have any of that just for your pup.

2. Should I give my dog supplements?

Woof, woof! Unless your vet recommends it, your pup's diet should already be packed with all the nutrients they need. Focus on wholesome food and fiber instead, as this would also help with their digestion!

In fact, according to a study from the University of Helsinki, Finland, when puppies were fed a non-processed meat-based diet a couple times a month or more, they were 22% less likely to develop the digestive problems (CE) later in life, as adult dogs. As adolescent dogs, they were 12.7% less likely.

3. Is it okay to feed my dog raw food?

Ah, the raw food debate! While some swear by it, others aren't so sure. Always consult your vet before jumping into the raw food trend, because this will highly depend on such factors such as your dog’s age and physical condition.

As far as the American Veterinary Medical Association goes, it opposes the unregulated feeding of raw foods and discourages “the feeding to cats and dogs of any animal-source protein that has not first been subjected to a process to eliminate pathogens, because of the risk of illness to cats and dogs, as well as humans.”

Balancing Commercial Dog Food and Human Foods

Remember, variety is the spice of life! Just like we enjoy a mix of meals, it's essential to balance commercial dog food with healthy human foods. A little bit of this and a little bit of that will keep your pup's taste buds and tummy happy!

In conclusion, feeding your pup healthy human foods is a paw-some way to show them some extra love and care. So, let's raise a toast to happy, healthy dogs, and many more tail-wagging moments! Woof, woof!



1. “Can Dogs Eat Fish? By Anna Burke | American Kennel Club” American Kennel Club 2021 URL: Accessed 26 July 2023

2. “Feeding dogs certain table scraps could help health, but processed kibble may not, study says By Mike Snider Container | USA TODAY” | USA TODAY 2023 URL: Accessed 26 July 2023

3. “Raw or undercooked animal-source protein in cat and dog diets” American Veterinary Medical Association 2023 URL: Accessed 26 July 2023

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