Why Is My Cat Not Eating?


Reviewed by: Dr. Tori

Why Is My Cat Not Eating? Insights and Solutions

Even the most affectionate felines possess an air of mystery. They go about their business wearing a constant poker face. So when you notice a sudden shift in their behavior, it can be tough to pinpoint the exact cause.

One especially alarming change? A cat who won’t eat. 

A happy, healthy feline should have a regular appetite. If it vanishes out of nowhere, there could be underlying health conditions at play, such as kidney disease or problems in your cat's digestive tract.

It’s stressful to sit and wonder, “Why is my cat not eating?” But don’t worry—armed with the proper info, you can identify the possible causes and get your pet’s mealtimes back on track.

What Makes Cats Lose Their Appetite?

Cats aren’t as mysterious as they seem: Their loss of appetite is likely tied to a medical or environmental issue. Let’s look at the most common factors that cause felines to skip their feasts:

Medical Causes

Many animals experience the occasional “down” day where they show little interest in their meals. That’s nothing to worry about. But if you’re still asking, “Why won’t my cat eat?” more than 24 hours later, a medical issue may be to blame.1 Potential conditions include:2

  • Stomach flu
  • Hyperthyroidism 
  • Pancreatitis
  • Cancer
  • Kidney disease or failure
  • Intestinal issues

Early detection is critical when dealing with a pet’s disease: Schedule a vet appointment if your cat refuses food for more than a day. While the cause may not be serious, you should always get a pair of well-trained eyes on the problem to assess any underlying health issue.

Dental Issues

Loss of appetite is one thing, but what if your cat seems eager to eat but can’t chew or swallow their food?

This could be a sign of dental troubles, such as:3

  • Tooth resorption – A leading cause of tooth loss in felines, tooth resorption occurs when a tooth decays from the inside. This deterioration eventually results in breakage, causing mouth pain and loss of appetite.
  • Stomatitis – Stomatitis occurs when the interior or back of the mouth grows inflamed. This can lead to inflamed gums, drooling, pawing at the mouth, and shunning food.

While these ailments require a dental visit, they’re both readily treated through antibiotics or tooth extraction. You can suspect dental troubles if your cat stops eating while also displaying:

  • Bad breath
  • Excessive salivation
  • Swollen, inflamed gums

Staying on top of oral hygiene and dental visits is the best defense against mouth pain and tooth troubles (and the associated loss of appetite).

If you have other pets and you’re wondering why your dog is not eating, here is a helpful guide.

Stress and Anxiety

Eating requires letting your guard down—that goes for cats, too. If their environment feels threatening, your cat may be unable to relax and eat from their food bowl.

Some common environmental triggers include:

  • Unfamiliar animals – Sometimes, the introduction of new companions (or guests) can leave a resident cat feeling intimidated or “on guard.” 
  • Unknown surroundings – Unfamiliar settings may put otherwise healthy cats on edge. Traveling or moving to a new home may cause temporary loss of appetite. 
  • Disrupted routine – Cats are creatures of habit. If something happens to majorly upend their daily flow, they may lose interest in eating.

Take stock of your cat’s environment: Could they be wrestling with fear or the stress of sudden change? It may take some sleuthing to solve the case of your cat’s missing appetite.

But if you want to take the stress of always going out to shop for cat food, try our pet food delivery services at Darwin’s.

Steps to Take When Your Cat Won't Eat

Your cat’s path to healing will depend on their particular circumstances. But there’s still much you can do to coax your kitty back into healthy eating habits.

Home Remedies to Stimulate Appetite

Making meals more enticing may be all you need to spark your cat’s appetite. Try:4

  • Serving appealing foods – While it’s important not to go overboard, adding mouth-watering and wet food ingredients like tuna and salmon to the menu can lure your cat back to their dinner bowl.
  • Relocating their feeding area – If an environmental factor is the issue, try moving your cat’s chow bowl to a quiet space away from litter boxes and other animals.
  • Dialing up aromas – A delectable scent is one of the most reliable appetite triggers. Including tuna juice or chicken broth may help hook your cat’s nose. You can also try adding oil supplements to your pet’s dry food. Here are some fish oil benefits for dogs which are also applicable for cats.

It also helps to keep food fresh. If your pet spurns breakfast, don’t leave the food sitting until lunchtime. Fresh cat food is always more tempting.

When to Consult a Veterinarian

Whatever the situation, your cat needs to eat. If your kitty goes more than a day without eating or displays any of the following symptoms, schedule a vet visit promptly:

  • Jaundice (yellow splotches on the skin or eyes)
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen abdomen

A loss of appetite can quickly escalate into a serious health problem. Stay proactive to ensure your cat’s well-being. Remember to remain calm and understand that you can resolve most issues with proper pet care tips and treatment.

Ancestral Diets for Picky Eaters

Sometimes the issue comes down to plain old pickiness. It’s no secret that cats can be finicky about their food. 

How should you respond when your cat gets choosy? Take a hard look at what’s on the menu:

  • If you’ve watched your cat stalk birds in the garden or track mice in the garage, you know they’re hunters at heart. 
  • Their ancestors lived off what they caught: a high-protein, low-fat mix of raw fish and game. 

Designing a diet that matches their DNA can stimulate a fussy feline’s appetite. Options like Darwin’s Natural Selections perfectly capture this ancestral essence.

You may also consider infusing your pets’ diet with supplements. When cats don’t get the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals they need, their energy dips. Suppressed appetite may follow.

Darwin’s Solutions for Cat Nutrition

At Darwin’s, we believe that proper nutrition helps pets thrive. The adage “you are what you eat” applies equally to humans and animals. When their diet aligns with their lineage, cats are free to be themselves. 

Our goal is to better your pets by providing quality fresh and raw cat food. That’s why we devote our energy to crafting nutritionist-approved meals fashioned with human-quality, minimally processed ingredients that align with cats’ ancestral diets. Discover how Darwin’s can revitalize your cat’s life. 


1WebMD. What to Do When Your Cat Won’t Eat. https://www.webmd.com/pets/cats/my-cat-wont-eat 

2WebMD. What to Know About Dental Problems in Cats. https://www.webmd.com/pets/cats/what-to-know-about-dental-problems-in-cats 

3Maddie’s Fund.org. Appetite Issues in Cats.  https://www.maddiesfund.org/kb-appetite-issues-in-cats.htm 
4Tumwater Veterinary. My Cat is Not Eating! When to See a Vet. https://www.tumwaterveterinary.com/site/blog/2021/07/30/why-wont-my-cat-eat

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