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Does My Cat Need Vegetables?


Does My Cat Need Vegetables?

Can Mika, my Grey Tabby, eat vegetables? Does she even need them?

How to Feed A Puppy


How to Feed A Puppy

There are different philosophies when it comes to feeding puppies. Here is ours.

Can Darwin’s Help My Dog’s Arthritis?


Can Darwin’s Help My Dog’s Arthritis?

I just saw a great video on YouTube. It was a woman saying how much your food helped her older dog’s arthritis.

Probiotics & Prebiotics for Dogs


Probiotics & Prebiotics for Dogs

A dog’s digestive health is tied to his immune system health – health gut, healthy dog. A healthy digestive system provides a dog with the tools to manage stool, allergies, toxins in the environment, and more.

Why Rotate Dog Food


Why Rotate Dog Food

Rotating poultry with ruminant meats provides a better balance of nutrients than either just poultry or just ruminant meats provide on their own.

Bringing Home a New Cat


Bringing Home a New Cat

Perhaps you went looking for a new feline friend or maybe they found you; either way you took one look into those big beautiful eyes and fell in love. Now, how do you make sure your new family member is happy, safe, and will adjust well to their new forever home?

How Much Should My Dog’s Eat?


How Much Should My Dog’s Eat?

I heard that sometimes very different dogs can eat the same amount of food. Is that true? Why? How much should my dog’s eat?

Can My Dog Eat Raw Meat?(part 2)


Can My Dog Eat Raw Meat?(part 2)

I really think I can feed my dog raw meat. I really like the predicted benefits of shiny coats and allergy control. Any insight into why my vet says, don’t do it.

Can My Dog Eat Raw Meat?(part 3)


Can My Dog Eat Raw Meat?(part 3)

I really need to know what to look for in a raw diet for Monty. I am sure you think your product is the best, but why?

Dog Obesity & One Dog’s Weight Loss


Dog Obesity & One Dog’s Weight Loss

We checked in with one of our favorite vets, Jackie Sehn at Mercy Vet on Mercer Island in Washington. Ouch. Olive was more than a few pounds’ overweight.

Safe Bones for Dogs


Safe Bones for Dogs

There is a reason dogs and bones is such a cliché – Dogs need bones. However, it’s not as simple as just “throwing your dog a bone”. Here is what you can do to keep them safe.

Can My Dog Eat Raw Meat?(part 1)


Can My Dog Eat Raw Meat?(part 1)

Conflicting information – It’s been my experience that when you get 10 “experts” (including your mother) in a room you’re going to get 10 different opinions. Having said that, I naturally fall on the side of the experts that endorse feeding raw.