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Myths About Kibble and Raw


Myths About Kibble and Raw

The Internet is one of the most amazing tools of our time; it’s also one of the biggest sources of misinformation. Considering there are about a gazillion gigabytes of half-truths at our fingertips, it’s no surprise that there are scores of myths out there.

Helping a Finicky Dog Transition to a Raw Diet


Helping a Finicky Dog Transition to a Raw Diet

If you’re convinced your dog won’t eat raw food because he or she is just too finicky, you’re not alone. Here’s a comment from a real customer who had labeled her Pug, Duke, “a serial selective eater.”

Quality Starts at the Farms


Quality Starts at the Farms

Our customers tell us that one of the most important reasons they choose to feed Darwin’s meals to their pets is the quality of the ingredients we use.

Feeding the Right Balance of Fats: Part 3


Feeding the Right Balance of Fats: Part 3

In my two earlier posts on fats, I introduced the concept that improving the balance and types of fat that your dog eats is the best thing you can do to improve the chances that your dog lives a long, healthy, happy life.

Why Balanced Fats Are Critical to a Dog’s Health: Part 2


Why Balanced Fats Are Critical to a Dog’s Health: Part 2

The balance of fats that a dog consumes has a profound influence on the dog’s cell membranes, those semi-permeable layers that allow cells to receive nutrients and eliminate wastes.

The Importance of the Balance of Fats in a Dog’s Diet: Part 1


The Importance of the Balance of Fats in a Dog’s Diet: Part 1

In this three part series, I will discuss how to improve your dog’s health, why balanced fats are critical and ways to improve the health of your dog.

Darwin’s Foster Dogs


Darwin’s Foster Dogs

Pet overpopulation is a serious issue, both for the country and for our region, one that Darwin’s is committed to doing something about.

Fur the Love of Pets!


Fur the Love of Pets!

Valentine’s Day is a day dedicated to showing others how much you love them, so don’t forget your four-legged best friend.

It’s Time To Brush Up On Your Pet’s Oral Care


It’s Time To Brush Up On Your Pet’s Oral Care

February is pet dental month, which means it’s time to pay extra attention to your pet’s oral care. Dental disease is more than just yellow teeth, red gums and stinky breath.

How Darwin’s Started


How Darwin’s Started

I’ve been feeding real food to my pets for more than 20 years. Like most pet owners who go down this path, I found my way to this approach because of a pet with health problems. In my case, the pet was Max, my Old English Sheepdog.

Make a New Year’s Resolution for a Healthier Pet


Make a New Year’s Resolution for a Healthier Pet

This is the time of year when many of us are thinking about our New Years resolutions – what we can do to help live a healthier life.

Bone Broth For Pets: Why & How

15 min

Bone Broth For Pets: Why & How

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